Predictive Politics
A piece that explores the words most likely to follow from a particular person or movement. This piece is color coded to portray categorical hierarchy as well as distinctions amongst predictive elements. White represents the specific category that each predictive element, shown in yellow, falls under. Categories include both people and movements. Each predictive element contains words a set of words that are likely to follow. The color of the boxes that contain these words are dependent on the party that the predictive element is affiliated with, in which blue represents the Democratic Party and red represents the Republican party. Furthermore, the sizes of the words vary depending on the likelihood they are to follow from a particular person or movement.
By clicking on a predictive element you can see the words that predict from it.
Clicking on the dropdown menu on the bottom of the visualization will allow one to switch between predictive categories.
Clicking on a yellow predictive element will allow one to view all of the words likely to follow from that element.
Clicking on a white category, whether it be people or movement, will allow one to return to the previous state to explore more predictive elements and their words.
Hovering above a word will show you its the probability percentage it is most likely to follow from a particular predictive element as well as the party affiliation of the predictive element