VJ.Live is a collaboration between VJ Um Amel and R-Shief media system to produce live events that bridge digital, geographical, and cultural divides. Upcoming productions:
Laila Shereen Sakr (VJ Um Amel) is Assistant Professor of Media Theory & Practice at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Engaged in an ongoing posthuman performance of VJ Um Amel, she theorizes technology and the body through multimodal creative research. At UCSB, she co-founded Wireframe, a new digital media studio that supports critical game design and digital arts practice. Sakr has shown in solo and group exhibitions and performances at galleries and museums including the San Francisco MoMA, National Gallery of Art in Jordan, Camera Austria, Cultura Digital in Brazil, Kirchner Cultural Centre in Argentina, Tahrir Cultural Center in Cairo, Fridge Art Gallery in Washington, DC, and 100 Copies in Egypt, among other venues. She is currently finishing her book on Arabic Glitch: Technoculture, Data Bodies, and Archives.